Cheap interpreter, part 9: even faster register machines
Last week I showed a few ways in which to improve the performance of a Haskell intepreter for a register machine. In this post, we start with the exact same bytecode (same register language, same compiler) and show how to use a much slower language (Clojure) to end up with a much faster interpreter.
This series is based on Neil Mitchell's talk "Cheaply writing a fast interpeter". The talk compares a number of approaches to writing an interpreter and tries to find a good balance between complexity and interpreter overhead.
The following topics, while important, are out of scope:
- Parsing. We're assuming we start with a parse tree.
- Producing assembly code: the definition of "cheap" that Neil uses in the talk is "maintainers are not required to know another language" (specifically assembly).
- Semantic optimizations (constant folding, algebraic transformations, etc.). The goal is to compare the interpretation overhead of various approaches, and semantic optimizations are considered orthogonal to that.
- JIT is not explicitly excluded in the talk, but it is completely absent. This is probably also a consequence of the "cheap" constraint.
From Haskell to Clojure
We use the same design for our register machine and its compiler. The translation to Clojure is straightforward: we omit the data definition and all type annotations, but apart from that the code is surprisingly similar at all levels, using my Clojure monad macros.
In order to focus on the interesting parts, this post assumes we start with the register code already compiled1 to this form, showing Haskell and Clojure versions side-by-side:
RegState { |
num_registers = 12 |{:reg 2
,code = [ | :code
RegLoadLiteral (Register 0) 100, | [[:loadl 0 100]
,RegLoadLiteral (Register 1) 1000 | [:loadl 1 1000]
,RegBin NotEq (Register 3) (Register 2) (Register 1)| [[:bin :not=] 3 2 1]
,RegJumpIfZero (Register 3) 11 | [:jump-if-zero 3 11]
,RegBin Add (Register 5) (Register 0) (Register 4) | [[:bin :add] 5 0 4]
,RegBin Add (Register 6) (Register 5) (Register 0) | [[:bin :add] 6 5 0]
,RegBin Add (Register 0) (Register 6) (Register 7) | [[:bin :add] 0 6 7]
,RegBin Add (Register 9) (Register 0) (Register 8) | [[:bin :add] 9 0 8]
,RegBin Add (Register 0) (Register 9) (Register 10) | [[:bin :add] 0 9 10]
,RegBin Add (Register 1) (Register 11) (Register 1) | [[:bin :add] 1 11 1]
,RegJump 2 | [:jump 2]
,RegEnd (Register 0)] | [:return 0]]
,hoisted = Env (fromList [ | :hoisted
(2,0) | {2 0
,(4,4) | 4 4
,(7,3),(8,2) | 7 3
,(10,4) | 8 2
,(11,-1)])} | 11 -1}}
We could write the same interpreter in Clojure as we did in Haskell. That yields a runtime of about 180µs, or about three times slower than Haskell. This is in line with pretty much all of the approaches we've seen so far: the Clojure version, as a direct translation, is about three to six times slower.2
So what can we do in Clojure that we cannot do in Haskell, and results in such a big speedup that it actually makes the Clojure version faster? Glad you asked.
"Cheap" restriction
First, a clarification on that grand announcement: it's not that this is impossible to do in Haskell, but trying to replicate this technique in Haskell is definitely going to break our self-imposed notion of what makes an interpreter "cheap", i.e. roughly speaking "easy to maintain for people who don't know another programming language than the one the interpreter is written in".
Host interpreter
Clojure is a dynamic language. I'm deliberately not saying dynamically
typed here, because that misses the point. The point of being dynamic is not
to get rid of static types (static types are good!), but to get access to
. In other words, a dynamic language is one in which it is easy (i.e.
cheap) to load new code at runtime, because the host language interpreter is
If we are ourselves writing an interpreter, having our host language interpreter available suggests a different approach: what if instead of writing an interpreter, we wrote a compiler to our host language, and then used our host language interpreter to generate "native" (in our interpreted world) code instead?
The main obstacle to doing just that is that, in most dynamic languages, eval
takes in a string, and generating synractically valid code strings is a pain
and usually does not compose all that well.
However, Clojure is a repl-based language, which means it understands how
important the separation between read
(the r
in repl) and eval
(the e
in repl) is, and therefore the eval
we get access to reads in Clojure code,
represented as Clojure data structures.
Manipulating Clojure data structures is what Clojure was built for3, so
generating Clojure code from a Clojure program is very easy. Turning that code
into a runnable function is just one eval
call away.
All that's left for us to do now is think about exactly what code we're going to generate.
Instruction pointer
Let's take a closer look at the array-based interpreter from last week. We've gone through quite a bit of effort there to minimize the work done in each step, to the point where it's basically just an array lookup, a write, or a combination of both.
We're also incrementing a loop counter and looping back after every single instruction. Normally, for most code, that would be completely negligible. However, because each of our instructions is so small, the looping construct is not free here.
There isn't really a great way around that as long as we're writing and interpreter ourselves, but if we're coopting our host language interpreter, we can instead use our host language instruction pointer too. This can be done by sequencing multiple instructions as one block of (generated) code.
Ideally, we'd want to generate a single block of code for our host language interpreter. But since our source language (in this context, the register machine language) has jumps, that may not be possible.
The Clojure language does not have goto
, so we can't translate those :jump
instructions directly. Instead, we'll start by identifying the possible
entrypoints in our code, and generate a separate block of code for each.
In order to identify possible entrypoints, we first need to be able to find all of the jump instructions, as they are pointing to the points at which we may enter the code:
(def is-jump? (comp #{:jump :jump-if-zero} first))
Now, in order to find all of the entrypoints, we can simply walk over all
instructions (with their index), filter the ones that are jumps, and look at
where they're jumping. For simplicity, we want a segment of code to end on a
jump instruction, which means that :jump-if-zero
has to always jump, just
like :jump
does. In order to not change the semantics of our code, we'll make
it a conditional choice between two jump targets: the address written into the
instruction, and the address right after the instruction. This is why we need
to know the index of the jump instruction itself.
(defn find-entrypoints
(->> code
(map-indexed vector)
(filter (comp is-jump? second))
(mapcat (fn [[idx op]]
(match op
[:jump x] [x]
[:jump-if-zero _ x] [x (inc idx)])))
(cons 0)
Run on our register code, this yields:
t.core=> (find-entrypoints (:code (compile-register ast)))
(0 2 4 11)
Next, we want to use that information to actually cut out each code segment, i.e. all of the code between each entrypoint and the first jump it reaches:
(defn find-segments
(->> code
(fn [ep]
[ep (->> (drop ep code)
(reduce (fn [acc op]
(if (is-jump? op)
(reduced (conj acc op))
(conj acc op)))
is a little-known and rarely useful function that wraps its argument
in a special container that the outer reduce
call knows to look for, and that
stops the reduction early. Hence this will pick the sublist of code that starts
at the entrypoint, included, and stops at the first jump, included.
t.core=> (find-segments (:code (compile-register ast)))
([0 [[:loadl 0 100]
[:loadl 1 1000]
[[:bin :not=] 3 2 1]
[:jump-if-zero 3 11]]]
[2 [[[:bin :not=] 3 2 1]
[:jump-if-zero 3 11]]]
[4 [[[:bin :add] 5 0 4]
[[:bin :add] 6 5 0]
[[:bin :add] 0 6 7]
[[:bin :add] 9 0 8]
[[:bin :add] 0 9 10]
[[:bin :add] 1 11 1]
[:jump 2]]]
[11 [[:return 0]]])
Generating Clojure code
The next step in assembling our little compiler is to turn each of these segments into a block of Clojure code.
(defn compile-segment-arr
[[ep segment] hoisted registers]
(let [re-get (fn [r] `(long ~(hoisted r `(aget ~registers (int ~r)))))]
[ep (->> segment
(map (fn [op]
(match op
[:return r] (re-get r)
[:loadl r v] `(aset ~registers (int ~r) (long ~v))
[:loadr to from] `(aset ~registers (int ~to)
~(re-get from))
[:jump-if-zero r to] `(if (zero? ~(re-get r))
(recur (int ~to))
(recur (int ~(+ ep
(count segment)))))
[:jump to] `(recur (int ~to))
[[:bin :add] to r1 r2] `(aset ~registers (int ~to)
~(re-get r1)
~(re-get r2)))
[[:bin :not=] to r1 r2] `(aset ~registers (int ~to)
(if (== ~(re-get r1)
~(re-get r2))
0 1)))))
(cons 'do))]))
In case you're not very familiar with the specifics of Clojure syntax, backtick
starts a quasiquote in which tilde escapes. For example, given the :hoisted
value from our register machine code and a registers
value of regs
, the
call (re-get 5)
will yield the list '(long (aget regs (int 5)))
, whereas
(re-get 2)
would yield (long 0)
This function expects [ep segment]
to be the values returned from
, hoisted
to be the integer-to-integer map returned by our
call, and registers
to be a Clojure symbol, i.e.
something that can play the role of a variable once the code gets compiled.
For example, called on our first segment, this yields (in a Clojure repl, *1
is bound to the result of the last printed value):
t.core=> (find-segments (:code (compile-register ast)))
([0 [[:loadl 0 100]
[:loadl 1 1000]
[[:bin :not=] 3 2 1]
[:jump-if-zero 3 11]]]
[2 [[[:bin :not=] 3 2 1]
[:jump-if-zero 3 11]]]
[4 [[[:bin :add] 5 0 4]
[[:bin :add] 6 5 0]
[[:bin :add] 0 6 7]
[[:bin :add] 9 0 8]
[[:bin :add] 0 9 10]
[[:bin :add] 1 11 1]
[:jump 2]]]
[11 [[:return 0]]])
t.core=> (compile-segment-arr (first *1) {2 0, 4 4, 7 3, 8 2, 11 -1} 'regs)
[0 (do (clojure.core/aset regs
(clojure.core/int 0)
(clojure.core/long 100))
(clojure.core/aset regs
(clojure.core/int 1)
(clojure.core/long 1000))
(clojure.core/aset regs
(clojure.core/int 3)
(if (clojure.core/==
(clojure.core/long 0)
(clojure.core/aget regs
(clojure.core/int 1))))
(if (clojure.core/zero?
(clojure.core/aget regs
(clojure.core/int 3))))
(recur (clojure.core/int 11))
(recur (clojure.core/int 4))))]
Compiling Clojure code
The only step left is to assemble all the segments into one big block of code, somehow. We'll do that by running a loop around them, with an instruction pointer. We started with a goal of avoiding this, but ultimately this is a pretty cheap way to switch between blocks of code. What matters is that now each of those blocks is big enough that the management of the instruction pointer is noise again.
We need to introduce two Clojure bindings in the form of symbols: one to
hold the instruction pointer, and one to hold the register array. Apart from
that, we simply lay down all the segments as the body for the loop. The ~@
notation expands the following form and inlines it, removing one level of list
(defn compile-rc-arr
[{:keys [code hoisted reg]}]
(let [registers (gensym)
ip (gensym)]
`(fn []
(let [~registers (long-array ~(inc reg))]
(loop [~ip (int 0)]
(case ~ip
~@(->> (find-segments code)
(mapcat #(compile-segment-arr % hoisted registers)))))))))
Applied on our example code, and with a little bit of clean-up for readability
(i.e. removing all the clojure.core/
prefixes as there is no ambiguity here),
this yields:
(fn []
(let [G__8219 (long-array 13)]
(loop [G__8220 (int 0)]
(case G__8220
0 (do (aset G__8219 (int 0) (long 100))
(aset G__8219 (int 1) (long 1000))
(aset G__8219
(int 3)
(if (== (long 0) (long (aget G__8219 (int 1))))
(if (zero? (long (aget G__8219 (int 3))))
(recur (int 11))
(recur (int 4))))
2 (do (aset G__8219
(int 3)
(if (== (long 0) (long (aget G__8219 (int 1))))
(if (zero? (long (aget G__8219 (int 3))))
(recur (int 11))
(recur (int 4))))
4 (do (aset G__8219
(int 5)
(unchecked-add (long (aget G__8219 (int 0)))
(long 4)))
(aset G__8219
(int 6)
(unchecked-add (long (aget G__8219 (int 5)))
(long (aget G__8219 (int 0)))))
(aset G__8219
(int 0)
(unchecked-add (long (aget G__8219 (int 6)))
(long 3)))
(aset G__8219
(int 9)
(unchecked-add (long (aget G__8219 (int 0)))
(long 2)))
(aset G__8219
(int 0)
(unchecked-add (long (aget G__8219 (int 9)))
(long 4)))
(aset G__8219
(int 1)
(unchecked-add (long -1)
(long (aget G__8219 (int 1)))))
(recur (int 2)))
11 (do (long (aget G__8219 (int 0))))))))
I'm not going to try and claim this is good code by any metric, but it is
recognizably the same as our register code. Turning this into a Clojure
function is just a matter of running eval
on this list:
t.core=> (eval (compile-registers-arr (compile-register ast)))
#object[t.core$eval8243$fn__8244 0x4c4dcaad "t.core$eval8243$fn__8244@4c4dcaad"]
t.core=> (*1)
Next step
Yes, "step" singular. Probably.
Benchmarking that generated code on my laptop yields a runtime of about 32ms, which is, as claimed, faster than the Haskell code I presented last week. It's not much faster, though. We can do quite a bit better, and I'll explain how next week, in what I hope will be the last entry in this series.4
I've been using the term "the compiler" pretty loosely throughout this series. If we take a closer look at the pipeline my code has been going through, we generally have a first step that takes in the original code tree and produces another tree, or list, in another language. I call that step "the compiler". The second step, however, is not strictly speaking an interpreter, as it consists of taking that code and returning a function that, when evaluated, will produce the result of executing the original code. In that sense, ever since we tried continuations in part 3, we've been essentially using the host language runtime as our interpreter on the result of a two-pass compiler.
↩Except for the continuations approach which is much slower as Clojure does not do tail call elimination, and the "compile to closure" approach which is slightly faster in Clojure, probably because the strict nature of the language makes it able to optimize that better. (This is comparing to "normal", i.e. lazy, Haskell performance.)
↩It may seem like an empty truism at first, but if you think about it for a bit you'll realize "manipulating <Language X> data structures is what <Language X> was built for" is far from being true for all values of <Language X>.
↩I really expected this one to be the last, but it turns out I had a bit more to say than I thought, and this post is long enough already. Hopefully I'll be able to fit all I still want to say in a single post next week, as I'm looking forward to write about something else for a change. Also, 10 is a nice, round number.