Tools You Should Know About: direnv
In a nutshell
From the homepage:
is an extension for your shell. It augments existing shells with a new feature that can load and unload environment variables depending on the current directory.
There's really not much more to it: it's a very simple feature, but I've found
it tremendously useful and so I wanted to spread the word. At this point,
setting up direnv
is pretty much the first thing I do when working on a new
project, and I wouldn't want to work without it.
Why you should know about it
In my experience, managing poject-dependent configuration has always been a bit
of a pain. That is, until I discovered direnv
a couple years ago.
Environment variables are definitely not the only way to manage configuration
(it's just the best one), but there are many tools that rely on them, and many
more that offer them as an option. Maybe you need to set a library path, or a
locale, or a project-global version for some dependency in a multi-language
project. Maybe you just want all your scripts to know the path to the project
root. Maybe you want to set your Docker daemon coordinates. Maybe you have a
folder in the some project and you'd like to have that in PATH
, but
only when you're working on that project.
Whenever a problem could be solved by setting an environment variable, direnv
can help. More importantly, if you need to set different sets of variables
across different projects, it can quickly become error-prone. direnv
Feature highlights
is a very simple tool, but it still packs a punch.
The .envrc
The core of what direnv
does is based on the envrc
file. direnv
your shell to check the current path (and its ancestors) for a file called
, and if there is one, it loads it (see below if you're concerned about
the security aspect of that).
That file is expected to mostly set environment variables, and direnv
unset them when you cd
out of that directory (and its children).
$ cat myproject/.envrc
export MY_VAR=in-project
$ export MY_VAR=outside
$ echo $MY_VAR
$ cd myproject
direnv: loading /myproject/.envrc
direnv: export ~MY_VAR
$ echo $MY_VAR
$ cd ..
direnv: unloading
$ echo $MY_VAR
$ cd myproject
direnv: loading /tmp/myproject/.envrc
direnv: export ~MY_VAR
$ export MY_VAR=1
$ echo $MY_VAR
$ cd ..
direnv: unloading
$ echo $MY_VAR
will not just randomly execute any code anywhere: it works with an
allowlist system. Whenever it encounters a .envrc
file, it only runs it if
this exact content for this exact path has been authorized. If not, it will
print out a warning to signal that there is an .envrc
file but it has not
been loaded. Adding the file to the allowlist can be done by running direnv allow
, which will also immediately load it.
$ cd myproject
direnv: error /tmp/myproject/.envrc is blocked. Run `direnv allow` to approve its content
$ direnv allow
direnv: loading /tmp/myproject/.envrc
direnv: export ~MY_VAR
$ echo $MY_VAR
Obviously in general one should take a look at the file before allowing it.
Private values
A common idiom is to end the .envrc
file with a line that looks like:
source_env_if_exists .envrc.private
What this means is: if the .envrc.private
file exists, load it. As the name
suggests, the .envrc.private
file is generally meant for values that should
not be shared, and that file should therefore not be committed.
This can range from credentials to IDE configuration and the like. And the
variables set in .envrc.private
will get loaded and unloaded in the same way
as the rest of .envrc
, meaning this makes it super easy to manage different
sets of credentials across different projects.
That's about it. A tool doesn't have to be super complicated to be tremedously useful.