26 December 2021

Graph search: Dijkstra, A*

Over the past few weeks I've been taking part in Advent of Code, which has been a lot of fun. Graph search has come up a couple times, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to remember the basics, so I'm writing this for my future self. Both for future reference and in the hope that writing it down will help me remember it all better.

The problem

Loosely speaking, I'm talking about "find the shortest path" kind of problems: you have a set of "nodes" and ways to move between them, with each movement having a specific cost. Most nodes can be reached through multiple paths, and in general the cost of a path depends on more than just its initial and final nodes.

For the purpose of this blog post, I consider problems in which we have:

  • Some representation of a "current state".
  • A function which, given a state, returns a list of new states that can be reached in one "step", along with the cost of that step.
  • A known initial state, s0, as well as at least one desired final state, which we'll model as a function that returns true on a final state. Most problems have only one such state, but there isn't much of a good reason to restrict ourselves at this point.

This is a pretty flexible definition. In particular, it doesn't require the whole graph to "exist" before you navigate it. So it applies if you actually have a graph to start with (say, trying to find the shortest path for a packet to travel on a network of routers, or finding a series of flights to reach a destination through various airports), or if you're moving on a grid, but also to, say, finding the minimal number of moves to win a game of Solitaire.

General approach

In abstract terms, the general approach is to:

  • Keep track of where we are and how much it cost to get here.
  • Compute all possible next states (by "moving" only one "step" from the current state), as well as the cost of reaching each of those new states.
  • Add each of those states (with their cost) to the list of states we still need to explore.
  • Avoid cycles, i.e. have a reliable way to know when we've already visited a state and avoid doing that again.
  • Pick a state from the list and start over.

Depth- and breadth-first

The name "depth-first" (just like "breadth-first") actually makes little sense in a generalized graph context, but it's a useful analogy to tree traversals. When traversing a tree, starting from the root and trying to visit all the nodes up to and including leafs, it's easy to see how one can choose between visiting either the children of the current node first, or its siblings.

Ignoring order for the time being, the code might look like this:

(defn search
  [initial final? generate-moves]
  (let [INF Long/MAX_VALUE
        put-in (fn [m [k v]] (update m k (fnil min INF) v))]
    (loop [[state cost :as current] [initial 0]
           to-visit {}
           visited {}]
      (let [to-visit (if (<= (visited state INF) cost)
                       (->> (generate-moves current)
                            (remove (fn [[nxt-state nxt-cost]]
                                      (>= nxt-cost (visited nxt-state INF))))
                            (reduce put-in
            visited (put-in visited current)]
        (if (empty? to-visit)
          (->> visited
               (filter (fn [[state cost]] (final? state)))
               (map (fn [[state cost]] cost))
               (reduce min))
          (recur (first to-visit)
                 (into {} (rest to-visit))

where we assume generate-moves takes in a tuple [state, cost-so-far] and returns a list of [state, total-cost].

The above code is essentially navigating through the possible paths at random. To make it non-random, we need to switch the type of to-visit from a map to something that preserves order. Specifically, we want a "last in first out" behaviour for a depth-first search (so the "children" of the current node get processed before the "children" of the "parent" node, a.k.a. "siblings"), which is easily implemented with a list:

(defn depth-first-search
  [initial final? generate-moves]
  (let [INF Long/MAX_VALUE
        put-in (fn [m [k v]] (update m k (fnil min INF) v))]
    (loop [[state cost :as current] [initial 0]
           to-visit () ;; changed to a list
           visited {}]
      (let [to-visit (if (<= (visited state INF) cost)
                       (->> (generate-moves current)
                            (remove (fn [[nxt-state nxt-cost]]
                                      (>= nxt-cost (visited nxt-state INF))))
                            (reduce conj ;; changed `put-in` to `conj`
            visited (put-in visited current)]
        (if (empty? to-visit)
          (->> visited
               (filter (fn [[state cost]] (final? state)))
               (map (fn [[state cost]] cost))
               (reduce min))
          (recur (first to-visit)
                 (rest to-visit) ;; no need to rebuild a map anymore

The breadth-first approach is a little bit more tricky as we need a "first in first out" behaviour and the common Clojure data structures don't support that efficiently. There is, however, a little-known persistent queue data structure in the Clojure standard library, that happens to not have any special syntax for it. Here is how it could be used here:

(defn breadth-first-search
  [initial final? generate-moves]
  (let [INF Long/MAX_VALUE
        put-in (fn [m [k v]] (update m k (fnil min INF) v))]
    (loop [[state cost :as current] [initial 0]
           to-visit clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY ;; changed
           visited {}]
      (let [to-visit (if (<= (visited state INF) cost)
                       (->> (generate-moves current)
                            (remove (fn [[nxt-state nxt-cost]]
                                      (>= nxt-cost (visited nxt-state INF))))
                            (reduce conj ;; changed `put-in` to `conj`
            visited (put-in visited current)]
        (if (empty? to-visit)
          (->> visited
               (filter (fn [[state cost]] (final? state)))
               (map (fn [[state cost]] cost))
               (reduce min))
          (recur (peek to-visit) ;; gets the "least recently added" item
                 (pop to-visit) ;; returns queue without (peek q)

If we assume that the cost of moving from one state to the next depends on both states, neither breadth-first nor depth-first helps, though, because we have no way to know, when looking at a node, whether we've already found the shortest path to that node.

So whichever order of traversal we choose amongst random, breadth-first and depth-first, we have to go through all possible paths to be confident we have found the shortest one. That's not very efficient.1


Enter Dijkstra and his algorithm. The key insight of Dijkstra's algorithm is that the above approaches are neglecting a crucial piece of information: we have a list of nodes and the cost to reach each of them. So instead of deciding which node to expand next based on how we found the path to that node, we can choose to expand the node with the smallest "cost to reach".

If we keep doing that at each iteration, we know for a fact that, on each iteration, when we consider the "current" node, the cost we know for it is the minimal possible cost to reach it (assuming all costs are positive). This means that visited can become a simple set, rather than a map, but more importantly it means that if the current node is a final one, we can stop immediately.

to-visit may need a bigger change, though. Walking through all possible paths in order to find the minimum for each iteration would be very wasteful. The approach generally suggested here is to keep the to-visit states in some form of priority heap using the cost as a sorting key. In Clojure, we can achieve that by using a java.util.PriorityQueue instance.

(defn dijkstra-search
  [initial final? generate-moves]
  (let [to-visit (java.util.PriorityQueue. 100 compare)]
    (loop [[cost state] [0 initial]
           visited #{}]
      (when (not (visited state))
        (doseq [[nxt-state nxt-cost] (generate-moves [state cost])]
          (when (not (visited nxt-state))
            (.add to-visit [nxt-cost nxt-state]))))
      (if (final? state)
        (recur (.poll to-visit)
               (conj visited state))))))

By passing the compare function as the comparator we ensure that we'll get Clojure's collection ordering, which for vectors is lexical order, i.e. states will be ordered by cost first, then state itself. Note how we now work with [cost state] tuples rather than [state cost] ones. (I have assumed that the generate-moves function is unchanged for consistency with previous code samples, but of course if you're only intrested in implementing Dijkstra you could save a bit of vector construction by switching the order in generate-moves.)

You may be bothered by the introduction of a mutable heap here. I don't personally think it's a problem as the mutable state is completely encapsulated in this case, but if you do want to avoid it, Clojure has a sorted-map function that can be useful here. sorted-map is a function that returns a map that keeps its keys in order, so we can use it in a similar way to the PriorityQueue. The main difference is that we'll have to handle key conflicts ourselves, which we can do by keeping, for each key, a list of states. This means each iteration of our loop needs to handle a list of states, too.

(defn dijkstra-search-imm
  [initial final? generate-moves]
  (loop [[cost states] [0 [initial]]
         to-visit (sorted-map 0 [initial])
         visited #{}]
    (let [to-visit (->> states
                        (remove visited)
                        (mapcat (fn [state] (generate-moves [state cost])))
                        (reduce (fn [m [s c]]
                                  (if (visited s)
                                    (update m c (fnil conj #{}) s)))
                                (dissoc to-visit cost)))]
      (if (not (every? (complement final?) states))
        (recur (first to-visit)
               (reduce conj visited states))))))

In most cases, Dijkstra should run a lot faster than any of the previous approaches. But we can go further.


Just like Dijkstra observed that breadth-first approaches were not using the cost information we have, Dijkstra's approach may not be using the goal information we might have. In circumstances where we can have some measure of how close we are to an end state, we can use that information to beat Dijkstra.

More formally, if we can, for each state, compute a number that underestimates the total possible cost to reach an end state from that node, we can use A*. For example, if you are running down a maze and you know the location of the exit, but not where all the walls are, a direct Euclidean distance between your current position and the exit would be a good way to underestimate the total distance you still have to travel.

The function used to generate this underestimated approximation is usually called "the heuristic function", or just "the heuristic". The A* algorithm is a graph search in which we expand the nodes that have the minimal value for (known cost to reach + heuristic), rather than just known cost to reach. In effect, running A* with a heuristic that always returns 0 devolves to Dijkstra.

Assuming we have a heuristic, the code is very similar to Dijkstra's:

(defn a-star-search
  [initial final? generate-moves heuristic]
  (let [to-visit (java.util.PriorityQueue. 100 compare)]
    (loop [[guess cost state] [(heuristic initial) 0 initial]
           visited #{}]
      (when (not (visited state))
        (doseq [[nxt-state nxt-cost] (generate-moves [state cost])]
          (when (not (visited nxt-state))
            (.add to-visit [(+ nxt-cost (heuristic nxt-state))
                            nxt-cost nxt-state]))))
      (if (final? state)
        (recur (.poll to-visit)
               (conj visited state))))))

The main point to note here is that, while we put the sum first so that's what we sort on, we do keep track of the known cost, because we'll need it later on.

The immutable version using a sorted-map is left as an exercise to the reader.

  1. Speaking of efficient, there is another problem with the depth-first and breadth-first traversals as presented here: we will be visiting the same nodes many, many times. Solving that is left as an exercise to the motivated reader; they are presented here for illustration only, as a way to build up to Dijkstra's and A*; resolving this issue would lead to complications in the code that are unrelated to the point of this post.

Tags: haskell