14 November 2021

The Clojure Promise

I've recently rediscovered the Clojure promise construct. I don't use it very often, but I find it very neat in its simplicity. In this post, I'll describe what Clojure promises are (with a word on how they differ from what other languages might call "promises"), talk about related Clojure concepts (delay, future), and talk a bit about use-cases.

What's a promise?

In Clojure, a promise is, quite simply, a promise to deliver a value later on. From a more technical perspective, one can think of it as a variable that you can already reference and talk about, but which may not yet have a value.

There are four functions that, together, form the promise abstraction:

  • (promise) returns a new promise object.
  • (deliver p v) sets the value of promise p to v. This is thread-safe, and should only be called once. The first call returns the promise object; subsequent calls return nil (and do not change the value of the promise).
  • (deref p), or more commonly @p, uses the generic deref function to get the value of a promise. If the value has already been delivered, it returns immediately; if it hasn't, this blocks indefinitely. The alternative form (deref p timeout-ms timeout-val) only waits up to timeout-ms milliseconds and, if there is no value at that point, returns timeout-val.
  • (realized? p) returns true if the promise is already realized, which one could use to implement polling in cases where the blocking behaviour of deref is not desired.

And that's all there is to it. Here is a small program to show how that works:

(defn promise-example
  (let [p (promise)
        t1 (Thread. (fn []
                      (dotimes [n 5]
                        (Thread/sleep 100)
                        (print (str "T1: " @p "\n"))
        t2 (Thread. (fn []
                      (dotimes [n 5]
                        (Thread/sleep 50)
                        (print (str "T2: " (deref p 50 :timeout) "\n"))
    (.start t1)
    (.start t2)
    (println (realized? p))
    (Thread/sleep 300)
    (deliver p 42)
    (println (realized? p))
    (.join t1)
    (.join t2)

Running that function yields:

t.core=> (promise-example)
T2: :timeout
T2: :timeout
T2: 42
T1: 42
T2: 42
T1: 42
T2: 42
T1: 42
T1: 42
T1: 42

I'm not aware of any other language that has such a simple definition of a promise, but there are related constructs worth mentioning.

Relations to other languages

Haskell has very similar promises in a library, though they do not seem to support the blocking behaviour of deref. Not being part of Prelude (or even base) also adds a bit of extra effort to discovering and using them.

JavaScript, of course, has been taken over by its own brand of promises over the past few years, heralded as the answer to callback hell. In their raw form, they're still callback-based, though, so while they help a bit with indentation, there is still some amount of mental juggling and inversion of control going on. That is, until you add async to the mix; used as the "argument" to await, JavaScript promises get close to the Clojure semantics of deref. While it seems like it would, in principle, be possible to extract the resolve function out of a promise, the API clearly points towards intended use closer to Clojure's future (see below).

Scala similarly defines its promises as a placeholder for a value to be delivered later, but mixes the concept with that of a future and, like JavaScript, uses a callback-based API. It also seems to lack explicit support for the blocking behaviour Clojure has, encouraging users to think in asynchronous terms.

I'm not sure why no other language seem to share Clojure's simplicity on this, but if you do know of promises in other languages, I thought it worth pointing out that this may not be quite the same thing.

Relations to other Clojure constructs

Clojure has a number of other "boxes" that can be "opened" with deref (and with the corresponding @ reader macro), among which:

  • Atoms, refs, agents, and vars, which are all meant to be used as shared mutable state between threads, with various semantics. Except for the genericity of the deref function, these are different enough from a promise that I won't be expanding on them in this article.
  • "Future" is also a name that exists in other languages, but has subtly different semantics. The Clojure future is best understood in terms of promises (as opposed to, say, in Scala, where promises are best understood in terms of futures), as a simple way to define, in one go, a promise and the thread that will fulfill it.
  • Delays cannot be defined in terms of promises, but may seem similar enough that I think they're worth exploring a bit more here.

In Clojure, a future is a separate thread that fulfills a promise. Schematically, we can define a future through the future-call function, which could be implemented along these lines:

(defn future-call
  (let [p (promise)]
    (.start (Thread. (fn [] (deliver p (f)))))

The real implementation is a bit more involved (it uses lower-level APIs than the promise function, uses a thread from a global thread pool, and implements the Java Future interface for interop), but has almost the same semantics. The main difference is that the calling code cannot call deliver on the result of future-call, ensuring that only the function given to future-call can deliver the value.

The future macro just wraps a thunk around its body, i.e.

(future (do ..))

is the same as

(future-call (fn [] (do ..)))

Delays are a bit of a middleground between promises and futures. Like the other two, a delay represents a value that may not have been computed yet, and that can be checked for completion with realized?. It is similar to a future in the sense that the code to compute the value is fixed at the time of creating the delay, but whereas a future immediately schedules a separate thread to compute the value, a delay simply stores the thunk.

Calling deref on a delay for the first time will evaluate the stored thunk and cache the result; all subsequent calls to deref return the same cached result directly. Importantly, if deref (or the more specific force) is never called on a delay, the associated computation is never performed.

Delays are created with the delay macro, which just takes a body as argument, like the future one above.


Promises are somewhat similar to core.async channels (roughly equivalent to Haskell MVars), in that they are meant as a communication mechanism between a producer and a consumer, generally on separate threads. The main difference is that a promise is intended to be fulfilled once and then keep its value constant, whereas many values are expected to be sent over a channel over time.

One could imagine building a poor man's channel with a promise that resolves to a pair of (value, promise-for-next-pair), but in a world where core.async exists, that seems a bit unnecessary.


The documentation for promise says:

Returns a promise object that can be read with deref/@, and set, once only, with deliver. Calls to deref/@ prior to delivery will block, unless the variant of deref with timeout is used. All subsequent derefs will return the same delivered value without blocking. See also - realized?.

This is a good description of what a promise is, but is not very suggestive as to how promises should be used. The most obvious use-case is as a communication channel between two threads, but as the phrasing suggests, as lot of those use-cases are now better served by proper core.async channels.

Another use that may not be so obvious is as a poor man's barrier: if you have many threads waiting on the same promise, delivering that promise would activate them all at once. I'm not sure I would recommend that for serious engineering, but for quick prototypes this may be easier to use than a CyclicBarrier.

Finally, the use-case that reminded me of promises is to define local recursive lazy streams. Going back to last week's post, one can compute an infinite list of primes quite efficiently with:

(def primes
  (cons 2
        (->> (iterate (fn [i] (+ 2 i)) 3)
             (remove (fn [n]
                       (->> primes
                            (take-while (fn [p] (<= (* p p) n)))
                            (some (fn [d] (zero? (rem n d))))))))))

This is a reasonably efficient definition of prime numbers: it never computes the same prime twice, uses the sqrt trick without actually computing a square root, and for each non-prime will stop at the first divisor found.

This is the same intention as the get-primes-sqrt function from last week, but better: last week's version did compute a square root, computed all of the divisors, and the code was much longer and arguably more complex.

So why did I not present this code last week? Well, the truth is, I hadn't thought of it. Credit for that goes to this Reddit comment by wedesoft.

That's a very neat definition, but it does have one drawback, as discussed last week: it will never release its memory. Now, that may be fine for prime numbers (they take very little memory to start with, being numbers, and they'll never change), but remember that the goal was not to compute primes, but to play with the language. And from that perspective, I did want to turn that into a local seq, rather than a global one.

The obvious way to turn a global definition into a local one is to make it a function:

(defn get-primes
  (cons 2
        (->> (iterate (fn [i] (+ 2 i)) 3)
             (remove (fn [n]
                       (->> (get-primes)
                            (take-while (fn [p] (<= (* p p) n)))
                            (some (fn [d] (zero? (rem n d))))))))))

but that does not work quite as well as one might hope:

t.core=> (time (nth primes 100000))
"Elapsed time: 4194.706208 msecs"
t.core=> (time (nth (get-primes) 100000))
"Elapsed time: 326617.420766 msecs"

Yes, you're reading that right: we went from ~4s to ~5.5 minutes.

The problem here is that, by changing from a recursive value to a recursive function, recursive calls are now computing everything again.

I can think of a couple ways to tie that knot properly. One would be to use memoize:

(def get-primes-memo
  (let [h (fn [p]
            (cons 2
                  (->> (iterate (fn [i] (+ 2 i)) 3)
                       (remove (fn [n]
                                 (->> (p)
                                      (take-while (fn [p] (<= (* p p) n)))
                                      (some #(zero? (rem n %)))))))))]
    (fn [] (h (memoize get-primes-memo)))))

By memoizing the function we pass to h, we ensure that it keeps returning the same lazy seq we're working on. This works as expected, giving us back our ~4s performance, and allowing the memory to be reclaimed.

Memoizing a no-argument function looks a bit weird, though. Another way to solve this is through a promise that we immediately deliver, using it only for the ability to separate its declaration from its definition as a way to work around the non-recursive semantics of let:

(defn get-primes-promise
  (let [p (promise)]
      (cons 2
            (->> (iterate (fn [i] (+ 2 i)) 3)
                 (remove (fn [n]
                           (->> @p
                                (take-while (fn [p] (<= (* p p) n)))
                                (some (fn [d] (zero? (rem n d))))))))))

which I think is a bit clearer than the memoize approach.


The Clojure promise is a very simple tool, with an API of only four functions. It's a bit of a niche tool, especially since the introduction of core.async, but it can still be used effectively in some instances and thus I think it's worth knowing about.

Tags: clojure